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Prime Minister’s Office Champions Food Rescue

- Oct 27, 2022
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Fair Food welcomes the report Food Rescue in 2022 by Dame Juliet Gerrard, the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor. Thank you for allowing us to be on the advisory group and for spending time with us to prepare your findings that will guide our sector. We were glad to see the focus on the role that food hubs play in providing fresh and healthy produce that many families otherwise could not afford. 

“During COVID-19, food rescue organisations across Aotearoa were an essential part of feeding those who had lost their jobs, had to isolate or who just needed food. Now that we are seeing what society looks like without COVID-19, the food rescue sector needs sustainable resources to disconnect the relationship between surplus food and food insecurity. The report outlines that the funding beyond mid-2023 is uncertain, even though for every $1 invested in food rescue, there’s a $4.50 return on investment,” shares Iain Lees-Galloway, AFRA  

Based on the data from AFRA and NZFN, 11,500 tonnes of food that would otherwise go to landfill was rescued across the motu last year (that’s 1,642 male African elephants!). Nearly seven percent of that was rescued just by Fair Food. 

We do not celebrate our successes in the food rescue sector because we want to live in a world where we do not need to exist. However, while there is a need, Fair Food will continue to serve the West Auckland community with the passion of our staff and volunteers.

We currently serve over 40 frontline charities across Auckland who distribute to people in need including asylum seekers, young parents, those sleeping rough, mental health agencies, and women and children experiencing domestic violence. There’s a wait list for our services, and most of our existing charities could take more kai. 

The food rescue sector has become a vital component of steering Aotearoa towards food security and minimising the effects of climate change. In order to do this important mahi, the sector needs sustainable funding to continue to rescue food that was destined for landfill to re-distribute it to those in need. 

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