Kai West

Kai West grows the capacity for local food initiatives to thrive by connecting and strengthening communities across the West Auckland area.

Our Strategy

Our collective vision is for a nourished West Auckland where people have access to healthy, affordable and culturally appropriate food from a local and regenerative food system.

West Auckland has a rich history with kai. Vineyards, fruit orchards and vegetable plantations made up the majority of the landscape for many years. Today however, there are challenges around people accessing nourishing and affordable kai.

Kai West Steering Committee

Urban Farm Feasibility Study

This report brings together the available resources and insights for a sustainable Urban Farm in West Auckland, including: identified sites, expert planning advice, advice from key partners, and recommendations for how to take advantage of the existing community mandate. We then make recommendations for next steps key partners, including Auckland Council and its kai community of practice’s partners can take to progress the project.

Food Relief Forum

Food relief organisations have stretched their capacity to meet the increasing need of hungry families.

The food relief forum unites organisations who share kai with whānau who are doing it tough across West Auckland.

Hello, World!

Check Out Our Upcoming Events

In collaboration with key partners we support events, information sharing and conversations about ideas that can improve our local food system and how we can turn them into action.